Contents insurance provides cover for home contents and personal belongings in the event of a fire, flood, theft and many more household risks. Make sure you are covered. See: Home insurance

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Home > My home > Safety in your home

Safety in your home

Your health and well-being is important to us. Together we can look after your home and improve your safety. Find out your responsibilities, how we can help you and how to report safety concerns.

We are committed to ensuring that our properties conform with the Government’s Decent Homes Standard, this sets the minimum standards for the condition of social homes.

Below, find out your responsibilities, how we can help you and how to report safety concerns.

Aids and adaptations 

Find out how we can help if you, or a family member, are experiencing difficulties in maintaining your independence in your Cottsway home.

For further information about the guidance provided on our website see: Terms of use

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