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Home > My home > Safety in your home > Asbestos and radon gas

Asbestos and radon gas

We work hard to reduce the incidence of diseases caused by exposure to asbestos and radon.


Many people are concerned about asbestos, but if left undisturbed and in good condition, it poses no risk.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral. It was used in a wide range of building materials such as vinyl floor tiles, artex, corrugated cement sheets and shed roofs from the 1930s to the late 1990s. 

We hold asbestos survey reports for most of our homes built before 2000 and we re-inspect these every five years. Further surveys are also carried out before we start on any refurbishment work on our homes.

If you suspect that any asbestos containing materials in your home have deteriorated, please contact us

Home alterations and DIY

It is important that you get our permission before carrying out any alterations to your home. We can then check our records to see whether any asbestos containing materials are likely to be disturbed by your planned work. 

For more information 

Radon gas

Radon comes from rocks and soil found everywhere in the UK. It is a naturally forming odourless, colourless radioactive gas which you cannot see, smell or taste and special equipment is needed to detect it.

Actual health issues due to high radon levels are rare and require a life-time of exposure.

We contact our tenants living in a high-risk radon area to offer a free test.

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