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Get involved

We want you to get involved and influence the way we deliver our services and we provide a number of ways for you to do this.

We have a Scrutiny Group of up to six Cottsway customers who meet regularly to monitor our performance, identify improvements and bring about change. They’d love your help if you live in a Cottsway home – you can either apply to join the group, or simply register to share your views on our services from time to time.

For more information, see:

You can make a difference to your community by joining or setting up a Tenant and Resident Association. You can join if you are a homeowner or tenant.

As a member you can help represent your community to a range of organisations, not just Cottsway, and can attend meetings and hold community events to help bring your neighbourhood together.

We support tenant and resident associations who represent our customers, offering an annual grant as well as advice and support.

Tenant and resident associations must:

  • Have an appropriate constitution
  • Represent a specific geographic area
  • Be committed to representing the views of everyone in your neighbourhood.

To find out more about how we can support you: Contact us

Did you know that as a Cottsway customer you can take advantage of a wealth of workshops, webinars and courses offered by Tpas - the tenant engagement experts?

Courses are mostly free but if there is a cost please let us know.

You can also access advice and information on setting up your own residents’ group.

We run focus groups or carry out consultations when we are reviewing, or planning to change, our services. We will share information via:

Sign up to our mailing list and you’ll receive our Cottsway Connect ezine every quarter, we can then also text or email you with specific opportunities to get involved with Cottsway and your community. 

We also run:

  • Communities@Cottsway - a private Facebook group for customers where you can comment and have your say.

You will need to confirm that you are a Cottsway customer to join this group.

If you feel we have done something well or got something wrong, let us know.

Chat with us