Our annual report, value for money summary and full audited financial statements for 2023-24 are now published. Find out more and give your feedback online

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Our Executive and Board

Our dedicated Board members monitor our performance, manage business risks and make sure we are working effectively to deliver quality homes and services for tenants.

Ensuring compliance

We are regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing, which monitors all registered housing providers in England. Our Board and Executive team are responsible for ensuring we comply with all regulatory consumer and economic standards, including for governance and financial viability, along with relevant laws including the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code.

For further details, see:

We also have a customer scrutiny group to allow our residents to scrutinise and challenge our work, and inform our decisions. For more details, see:

Declarations of interest

Our Board members declare any conflicts of interest and these are updated annually and recorded on a register which is available for public scrutiny on request. Please email requests to company.secretary@cottsway.co.uk

Directors' remuneration

Details of our Directors' remuneration are included in our financial statements. Please see: Publications

Our Executive Team

Our Executive Team oversees the management and key decision making at Cottsway. They are supported by our Corporate Leadership Team.

Richard Reynolds

Chief Executive and Board Member

Sue Lakin

Deputy Chief Executive and Board Member

Colin Bloodworth

Director of Development and Partnerships

Stephen Leonard

Resources Director

Our Board Members

Our skilled and experienced Board members oversee all key decisions and review performance throughout the year.

Andrew Hall


Alan Shaoul

Alice Cummings

Vice Chair

Alix Green

Chair of Investment Committee

Barbara Taeed

Chair of Audit and Risk Committee

Julie Wittich

Les Henderson

Chair of Customer Committee

Lizzie Hieron

Rebecca Pritchard

Chair of Treasury and Finance Committee

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