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Mobility scooters

Mobility scooters help people maintain their independence and play an important part in daily life. However, it is important to that you seek permission from us before you get a mobility scooter and consider the safety implications when storing and charging it.

Mobility scooter advice


You need to seek landlord permission from us to keep a mobility scooter. It is also important for you to ask for permission if you are planning to install:

  • a storage unit
  • hardstanding; or
  • electric charging point

Ask for permission

Alternatively, contact your local occupational therapist service to request an assessment of your needs. On receipt of their referral we will arrange for the necessary work to be carried out.

Storage guidance

  • Do not store your mobility scooter within the habitable areas of your home, or within communal areas of flats.
  • Ensure the area(s) where you store and charge your mobility scooter are well maintained and fit-for-purpose.
  • Keep escape routes clear so you can evacuate quickly and safely in an emergency.

To reduce fire risks:

  • Avoid charging your mobility scooter overnight.
  • Maintain equipment in line with the manufacturer’s usage and charging recommendations.
  • Ensure your mobility scooter has a Portable Appliance Test (PAT) carried out by a qualified electrician annually. Some councils offer this service.


There is no legal requirement to insure a mobility scooter although we strongly advise that you take out insurance cover to protect both yourself and your mobility scooter.

Aids and adaptations

Find out how we can help if you, or a family member, are experiencing difficulties in maintaining your independence in your Cottsway home.

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