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Tenancy agreement

The tenancy agreement is a legal contract between you and us. It sets out your rights and responsibilities as a tenant and our responsibilities as a landlord. You will be asked to read and sign your agreement when you join us.

You have the right to enjoy your home in peace and quiet and to live there for as long as stated in your tenancy agreement, provided that you live in the property as your main home and do not break the terms of your tenancy.

If we give you reasonable notice, you must allow our staff and contractors into your home to carry out repairs and safety checks such as gas servicing.

There are different types of tenancies and your agreement will be based on when you became a tenant with us and the type of home you are in:

Starter tenancy

This is the main type of tenancy for new tenants. It runs for 12 months and after that time, provided there have been no problems with your tenancy, it will automatically change to a Full Assured Tenancy.

For more information see our Starter tenancies factsheet

Full assured tenancy

This is our most common type of tenancy. You will be moved onto this after 12 months of being on a Starter Tenancy, or if you have transferred from another social housing provider you will already have this tenancy.

Preserved assured tenancy

If you were a secure council tenant and were living in your home before it was transferred to Cottsway, you may have a Preserved Assured Tenancy. You have the same rights and responsibilities as a Full Assured Tenancy, but may have the Right to Buy

Succession of your home

Members of your family may have the right to succeed to your tenancy when you die. By law, there can only be one succession to a tenancy, so this will not apply if you have already succeeded to your tenancy.

The following may be able to take over your tenancy if they are living in the property as their main home at the time you die:

  • joint tenants
  • your husband, wife or partner

Any member of your family can take over your tenancy if they have been living in the property as their main home for at least the previous 12 months at the time you die.

If more than one person is eligible and they cannot agree who will take over the tenancy, we will make the final decision.

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