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Tenancy support

We always try to support our customers who are struggling to cope with daily living so do contact us if you, or someone you know, could benefit from our help.

Our tenancy support team can assist with:

  • Alternative accommodation during property improvements or redevelopment work.
  • Arranging benefit checks to ensure you are getting all the financial support you are entitled to - see Citizens Advice
  • Bereavement support including help to sort out changes to benefits.
  • Completing application forms for home aids and adaptations
  • Helping you settle into your new home and develop the skills required to maintain a successful tenancy - see pre-tenancy support
  • Liaison support between other Cottsway teams as required.
  • Practical and emotional support following abuse or neglect
  • Referrals for our assisted decorating and gardening schemes
  • Referrals to other organisations so you can get the most appropriate support for your needs.
  • Support if you're dealing with a change in work circumstances - see coaching and mentoring support

What happens once a report is made to the team

Once you contact the team or they receive a referral, they will:

  • Contact you within one working day – usually by phone
  • Visit you at home at a time convenient to you
  • Agree a plan of action with you

They will also respond to further calls and messages within one working day, and letters within five working days.

Getting you the best help

To ensure you get the best support available we may recommend involving other organisations but we will discuss these options with you and get your consent before we do so.

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