Contents insurance provides cover for home contents and personal belongings in the event of a fire, flood, theft and many more household risks. Make sure you are covered. See: Home insurance

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Welfare advice

It is important that you keep safe and well in your home and we are here to help. Please contact us if you are in need of support. If you are the victim of a crime, please call 101 or 999 in an emergency.

Utility failure - priority service

Utility companies run priority services for people who really rely on them. They will do their utmost to prevent supply going off and if it does will restore it as a matter of urgency.

You may be eligible if you receive a state pension, are disabled or have a child under the age of five or you rely on one of the following:

  • home dialysis machine
  • oxygen concentrator 
  • artificial ventilator
  • stairlift
  • adjustable bed

To find out if you are eligible and how to register:

Home energy grants and benefits

If you are struggling to afford your energy bills, you might be eligible for certain benefits, grants and help offered by the government and energy suppliers. For more information:

For more information about benefits and financial support, see:

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