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Coaching and mentoring support

If you're dealing with a change in work circumstances, you could benefit from coaching and mentoring to help you learn, build confidence and get back on track.

We offer six months’ free coaching and mentoring to:

  • Provide confidential, dedicated one-to-one support (up to 18 hours), either over the phone or online, and unlimited email encouragement.
  • Help you set goals to improve your circumstances. This could include updating your CV, looking at how to enhance your existing skillsets or developing a better understanding of the financial support available to you.

The sessions are led by Neil Holman, an independent consultant specialising in employment support and mental health issues.

Who can apply?

Customers living in a Cottsway home who are aged over 18 and:

  • Experiencing a change in employment circumstances (redundancy etc)
  • Having to apply for benefits such as Universal Credit and self-employment support for the first time
  • Feeling anxious about changes in their lifestyle
  • Struggling to get on the employment ladder for the first time or are unsure of the training options available

To take part

If you think you may benefit from this support and would like an informal chat about the options available, please:

Register your interest for coaching and mentoring support

Are you currently: *
Your goals * What would you like to gain from the coaching and mentoring?
Confirmation *

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