Contents insurance provides cover for home contents and personal belongings in the event of a fire, flood, theft and many more household risks. Make sure you are covered. See: Home insurance

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Money advice and help

We are here to help. If you are struggling to pay your rent, please contact us straight away and we may be able to set up a repayment arrangement to assist you.

Universal credit

If you are of working age and on a lower income you may be eligible for Universal Credit.

Find out if you are entitled by using this online benefits calculator

For more information about welfare benefits and to apply for Universal Credit, visit GOV.UK


Illness, disability, family breakdown or the loss of a job can happen to any of us.

Foodbank provides the best possible emergency food to help people facing hardship. There are over 1,200 food bank centres across the UK and the services provided may vary from area to area.

Please note, anyone who uses the scheme needs to have a valid Foodbank voucher. Our Communities Team can make referrals to Trussell Trust foodbanks, simply contact us

For more information see:

Citizens advice

We work in partnership with Citizens Advice West Oxfordshire and all Cottsway customers, regardless of where you live, can contact this branch for help and advice.

Citizens Advice offers free, independent and confidential advice on:

  • Managing debt
  • Managing your money and budgeting
  • Welfare benefits and whether you qualify
  • Applying for benefits
  • Completing benefit applications
  • Challenging a decision on benefits
  • Understanding changes to benefits and how they affect you
  • Dealing with change caused my moving in and out of work
  • Increasing your working hours

Energy bills

For helpful information and details of where to advice on energy bills and consumption, see:

Make sure your belongings are protected 

All of our homes have buildings insurance. We recommend you take out contents insurance to protect your items and give you peace of mind.

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