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Scrutiny Group

Our Scrutiny Group monitor our performance, identify improvements and bring about change.

The Scrutiny Group are a team of up to six Cottsway customers who:

  • Meet regularly to scrutinise our work.
  • Provide feedback and suggestions to help us make improvements.

We provide training opportunities, equipment and support to help them do their role.

To find out what the group have been getting up to, read their latest reports and reviews:

Get involved

If you live in a Cottsway home and are interested in working with us to make a real difference, you might want to consider joining our Scrutiny Group. It’s a great opportunity to make new friends and develop your skills and experience across a wide range of areas. They would love to hear from you! 

If you don’t want to join the group, but would still like to help, you can simply register to be contacted by them from time to time to give your views.

What's involved if you join the group

You’ll be part of a small group who scrutinise and oversee our work on behalf of Cottsway customers, helping to ensure we are open and accountable. You’ll work closely with other Cottsway customers, our staff and Board to review services and performance to help identify areas for improvement.

You’ll need a positive attitude, energy, enthusiasm and be able to commit to an average of five hours per month. You’ll take part in meetings:

  • Every two weeks, with more as needed - online and in person, with a laptop provided to support you.
  • Times are flexible and are decided upon by the group.

You’ll work as part of a team involved in a range of tasks, including research. Training and support will be provided to help you, including with working online if needed.

For more information, see our: Scrutiny Group role profile

This is a great opportunity to sharpen up existing skills and learn some new ones, make new friends and help Cottsway improve services. You'll receive:

  • Access to training to help build your skills, knowledge and confidence;
  • A laptop for use while you are member of the Group; and
  • Reasonable carers’ costs and travel expenses where applicable.

You’ll need to complete an application form and there’ll be an interview with the Group chair and a member of Cottsway’s staff.

Apply to join or help our Scrutiny Group >

Further information

If you’d like any more information, please:

Find out more from the Scrutiny Group Chair

Vanda has lived in a Cottsway home for over 10 years and is currently Chair of our Scrutiny Group.

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