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Home > News > First homes set to benefit from energy efficiency project

22 February 2024

First homes set to benefit from energy efficiency project

Last year we successfully secured a £1.3m grant last year from the Government’s Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) to increase the energy efficiency of 142 of our older homes most in need of improvement.

We allocated a further £1.4m of funding ourselves and have partnered with E.On Energy Solutions Limited to deliver this project over the next two years.

Our goal is to increase the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating at these homes to at least a C (with A being the most energy efficient and G the least). This will help to both reduce carbon emissions and lower customers’ energy bills.

A lot of work has been happening to identify the homes that are most in need and determine which measure/s will be most beneficial to improve their energy performance. Work is due to start shortly on the first 34 homes - with some having more than one energy efficiency measure fitted, which could include:

  • installing cavity wall insulation
  • installing external wall insulation
  • improving loft insulation
  • installing solar panels
  • installing air source heating
  • improving ventilation.

Once completed, a new EPC survey will be carried out to ensure that the property has achieved a rating of C or higher.

EPC surveys are also continuing to be carried out at the remaining homes identified for the project, so we can arrange the best energy-saving measures for each of these properties moving forward.

Decarbonisation at Cottsway

This SHDF project is part of wider decarbonisation that we are working to achieve and is necessary to reduce our impact on the environment and meet the Government net zero target for the UK – which it aims to achieve by 2050.

Our main focus is on improving the energy efficiency of our homes. We know that around 76% of our homes have an EPC rating of C or higher, and we will be concentrating on increasing the efficiency of the remaining 24% of properties.

Energy efficiency improvements are costly, so we will be working to secure further grant funding to help us with this. We are learning so much through the SHDF ‘pathfinder’ project that will help us to plan for further work in the future.

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