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New-build homes

If you live in a brand new Cottsway home, our Home User Guide will help you to settle in straight away. You should have been provided with this and all the information you needed when you moved in.

The first 12 months

The housebuilder is responsible for faults due to materials, construction or workmanship for 12 months from the date your home was completed. Towards the end of this time, we will inspect your home to identify any outstanding work that needs to be carried out. Please tell us about defects as soon possible:

After the first year

Responsibility for repairs after the first year depends on whether you rent or own your home, and what type of building it is:

If you are a tenant:

We look after the structure and exterior of rented homes. Tenants are responsible for minor indoor repairs. You are also responsible for:

  • Repairs to your own fixtures and fittings, or damage caused by them.
  • Security alarms and other equipment.
  • Plugs on electrical equipment.
  • Curtain rails and fittings.
  • Lost or broken keys.

If you are a shared owner or leaseholder:

  • House owners are responsible for all repairs.
  • Flat owners are responsible for everything inside the home, plus any land mentioned in the lease. We are responsible for maintaining shared and communal areas in blocks of flats.
  • Responsibility for repairs to maisonettes depends on the design and layout of the building – check your lease for details.

Have you moved into a brand new Cottsway home?

During the first 12 months there may be some limitations to the DIY you can carry out. Find out more.

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