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Rent and service charges

It is important that you pay your rent or service charges on time. There are different ways to pay us although setting up a direct debit for regular payments like rent or service charges is the easiest and most efficient. You can make a payment or set up a direct debit using the My Cottsway customer portal.

You need to pay:

  • weekly if you live in a rented home
  • monthly if you are a shared owner

You will have been informed all about your rent and making payments when you moved in.

You will receive an annual rent statement each year. Your payments may be reviewed throughout the year. We will always notify you of any changes in advance.

It is important that you pay your rent on time. It doesn't take long to fall into arrears, but it can take a long time to get straight again. For more information see Help with arrears

What's the difference between social rent and affordable rent?

  • Social rent: This is a low-cost rent charged in-line with a national rent regime set by the Government.
  • Affordable rent: Housing associations and councils are able to set affordable rent at 80% of the local market value including any service charges. For example, if the local market value to rent a property was £200 per week, we would charge £160 per week.

Some of our homes have shared spaces, hallways, grounds and parking. We clean and maintain these areas and the cost is shared between all residents as a service charge. 

For more information, see:

We will tell you before you move in if you have a service charge linked to your home:

  • Tenants - service charges are billed weekly alongside your rent.
  • Shared owners - service charges are billed monthly alongside your rent. You are responsible for paying the full amount of service charges applicable to your home, no matter what your property share. 
  • Leaseholders - service charges are billed annually. You are responsible for paying your share of any service charges for your property.

Service charge details can be found in your tenancy or lease agreement.

We operate a variable service charge which means you will only pay for the services you receive. This reflects the actual cost of the services provided and may increase or decrease from year-to-year.  

  • We will send you an annual estimate at the end of March each year.
  • At the end of the following financial year, we will check the actual costs of running the services against the estimate sent to you.
  • We will then send you a closing statement following an independent audit to tell you if we owe you money, or if you owe us.

More information about service charges

View details of possible services that may be provided where service charges could apply.

Other ways to pay

To find out about payment methods, see: 

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