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Apply for a mutual exchange

Once you have found someone to swap with and you both agree you want to swap, you will both need to complete this mutual exchange application form separately. Please be aware that there are some legal reasons why it may not be possible to exchange homes. For more information see: Mutual exchange

Once you are ready to apply, information we need includes the:

  • Name and address of the person you want to swap with
  • Details of their landlord; and
  • Details about the people in your household (including their date of birth). 

The landlord(s) will then run checks to make sure you both qualify for your new homes - including if you meet any necessary s.106 local connection eligibility criteria.

If you are providing information about people who reside in your home, or who will be moving into a property with you, please make them aware that you are sharing this information with Cottsway and show them this privacy notice.

This privacy notice sets out how we will use the information you provide as part of the mutual exchange process.

For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 2018 incorporating the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the data controller of the personal information provided in the mutual exchange application form is Cottsway Housing Association Limited.

This personal data is being collected in order to allow Cottsway to process mutual exchange applications. It will help us understand your housing needs so that you can be offered a suitable home if the application is successful. 

In accordance with data protection laws, we need a "lawful basis" for collecting and using information about you. The lawful bases for processing the non-sensitive personal data in this form (for example name, contact details, date of birth) are our legitimate interest and legal obligation to process mutual exchange applications. Our lawful basis for processing special category data (data relating to aids and adaptations) is to guarantee the social protection of individuals.

If you fail to provide the information we ask for as part of your application, we may not be able to process your application, and may be prevented from complying with our legal obligation to do so.

The information provided will be stored securely on Cottsway’s computer systems. It will be processed in accordance with UK data protection legislation. If you are an outgoing applicant, your information will be retained for 6 years following the end of your tenancy. If you are an incoming applicant, and are successful, your information will be retained for the current year plus 6 years, whilst you are a Cottsway customer. Only relevant members of staff will access the information you provide to us, and all staff are subject to duties of confidentiality.

The information in this form will be shared with the other landlord(s) who is/are party to the mutual exchange. The information will only be shared to process the Mutual exchange. If you are a Cottsway customer, Cottsway will also share information with the other landlord(s) which includes, but is not limited to, information regarding the conduct of your rent account and other tenancy issues.

Your information will not be used for any automated decision-making.

You have various rights relating to your personal data including:

  • The right to request access and rectification of personal data that Cottsway hold, as well as the right to a erasure, restriction of processing and the right to data portability in certain circumstances.
  • The right to object to processing based on legitimate interest. You can raise an objection using the contact details below.

For more information on how we process personal data please see: Protecting your privacy

You can contact us with any issues regarding the processing of your personal data using the contact details below:

If you feel that your data has not been handled correctly, or if you are unhappy with our response to any requests, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s office.

Mutual exchange application form

All relevant sections of this form must be completed by the tenant.

Once we've received the application and supporting documents from both yourself and the person you want to swap with, we then have 42 days to review your application and make the decision to accept or refuse your application. Please note, this is not a date of exchange.

For more information see: Mutual exchange

The exchange

If your home exchange is approved, will you be moving from a: *

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