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Anti-social behaviour (ASB) covers a wide range of behaviours that can have a negative effect on people by causing nuisance and annoyance. It can be caused by a Cottsway customer or someone living with or visiting them.
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Anti-social behaviour (ASB) covers a wide range of behaviours that can have a negative effect on people by causing nuisance and annoyance. It can be caused by a Cottsway customer or someone living with or visiting them.
We are committed to resolving anti-social behaviour quickly and fairly. We take all complaints seriously, and all communications are confidential unless there is a safeguarding risk to the safety of a child, where the law supersedes our policies. Anti-social behaviour or criminality can lead to eviction.
If you are in immediate danger, phone the police on 999.
You should treat your neighbours with the respect and consideration you’d like to be treated with. For example, give them advance notice if you’re going to be doing DIY, holding a party or making a lot of noise.
All our customers are expected to behave respectfully under the terms of their tenancies or lease agreements.
Although sometimes inconvenient, the following are not automatically considered anti-social behaviour:
See our ASB advice below to help you find out what is and is not considered anti-social behaviour, and what steps you need to take next.
Depending on the type of antisocial behaviour you’re experiencing, there are different steps you should take.
Talk to the person involved (if it is safe to do so)
If you know who is causing the problem and you feel safe to do so, talk to them. Explain how their activities or behaviour is affecting you. Often issues can be down to a simple misunderstanding which can be resolved through talking. However, if this is not possible you can report issues to us, and we will investigate.
For help and advice on dealing with your neighbour see: Resolve’s guidance information
Keep an incident record
When you contact us, you will be asked for information about the anti-social behaviour. You can use our incident diary to keep a record of everything that happens. This will help us to deal with your concerns.
Please include details of the incident(s) when it occurs, providing as much detail of as possible. Keeping the diary up to date helps us work out what we can do to help resolve the matter. Once you’ve completed the diary for two weeks, please scan or photograph your diary and send it back to us.
If you have tried but are unable to resolve an issue yourself, you can report your concerns to us so we can investigate. We may ask you for more details if necessary.
Please note: Although you may make reports of ASB anonymously, sometimes this can limit the actions we can take. We will not disclose your identity if you do not want us to. However, sometimes the nature of the complaint may make identification possible.
You may also need to report the incident and pass on reference numbers to us. This may include:
How we deal with your report will be discussed with you so that you are comfortable with the action we take. Regular updates will be provided throughout our investigation.
Typically, we will:
The ASB app
Once you have reported an ASB issue to us we may send you a private link to a web-based service run by ASB operations. This is called the ASB app and you can use any device to access this service which enables you to continue to gather and log new evidence to support your case eg, photographs, videos, noise recordings and diary sheets. It will provide a live feed which will be reviewed daily by our housing officers.
More information
For further details on how we deal with anti-social behaviour:
Read our customer Scrutiny Group's review of our approach to anti-social behaviour at:
In some cases, voluntary mediation might help to resolve your problem. It is an informal, confidential and independent service available to help neighbours sort out their differences and reach an agreement. They can help you and your neighbour(s) understand each other’s point of view and reach a solution.
We also offer resolution coaching which can support you to find better ways of communicating with your neighbour(s).
Please ask and we will refer you.
If you have reported three or more separate incidents of anti-social behaviour or hate crime within the past six months to Cottsway, the police or your local council, you can ask for a multi-agency anti-social behaviour case review.
The anti-social behaviour case review:
You can request an anti-social behaviour case review yourself or on behalf on someone else, but you must have their written consent.
For more information about the anti-social behaviour case review process where you live, please contact your local authority or local police.
Or see: GOV.UK
Anti-social behaviour is:
Persistent noise is that lasting longer than 30 minutes a day for at least 5 days within one week.
Night time noise is between 11pm and 7am.
If the behaviour has been ongoing, please:
See ‘Dealing with anti-social behaviour’ above.
Hearing the following is not considered anti-social behaviour:
Untidy garden
This is considered a tenancy breach rather than anti-social behaviour. To report an untidy garden please: contact us
The following are considered a tenancy breach rather than anti-social behaviour:
To report a tenancy breach please: contact us
If your concerned for an animal’s welfare, then please let us know or contact the RSPCA
If a dog has bitten someone, please report this to the police immediately. Then tell us the incident report number and the officer’s name so we can make contact and work with them, and you, to agree the next steps.
If there are issues with a vehicle(s) we will consider:
If a vehicle has been abandoned on Cottsway-owned land, we will start the process to remove it within five working days of it being reported to us.
Fly-tipping, vandalism and graffiti
It will depend on where this has occurred as to who is responsible for clearing the issue:
If the incident has taken place on Cottsway-owned land, we will:
Drunk or rowdy behaviour
If the associated behaviour is of a criminal nature you need to report this to the police immediately, you must also let them know if you are concerned about your safety.
Once you have reported it to the police, please let us know the incident report number and the officer’s name so we can make contact and work with them, and you, to agree the next steps.
If the behaviour has been ongoing, please:
See ‘Dealing with anti-social behaviour’ above.
Drug use, dealing and cultivation is a criminal offence and you need to report this to the police immediately.
You must also let them know if you are concerned for your safety.
Once you have reported it to the police, please let us know the incident report number and the officer’s name so we can make contact and work with them, and you, to agree the next steps.
If any drug related paraphernalia such as pills, syringes and needles are found on our property/land, we will remove them immediately.
If the behaviour has been ongoing, please:
See ‘Dealing with anti-social behaviour’ above.
Harassment and abuse
If the associated behaviour is of a criminal nature you need to report this to the police immediately, you must also let them know if you are concerned about your safety.
Once you have reported it to the police, please let us know the incident report number and the officer’s name so we can make contact and work with them, and you, to agree the next steps.
If the behaviour has been ongoing, please:
See ‘Dealing with anti-social behaviour’ above.
For more information, see Abuse and neglect
Other support
Hate crime and racism
This is a criminal offence and you need to report this to the police immediately.
You must also let them know if you are concerned for your safety.
Once you have reported it to the police, please let us know the incident report number and the officer’s name so we can make contact and work with them, and you, to agree the next steps.
You can report it via our online form or to prevent delays, please call 01993 890000
Other support
Assault, arson, knife crime
This is a criminal offence and you need to report this to the police immediately.
You must also let them know if you are concerned for your safety.
Once you have reported it to the police, please let us know the incident report number and the officer’s name so we can make contact and work with them, and you, to agree the next steps.
You can report it via our online form or to prevent delays, please call 01993 89000.
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