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Unreasonable customer behaviour

We expect our staff to be treated with courtesy and respect and will not tolerate unreasonable behaviour.

Unreasonable behaviour can take up large amounts of staff time and may prevent us from providing services to other customers.

Types of behaviour that may be unreasonable include, but are not limited to: 

  • Aggressive or abusive behaviour - repeated use of strong language or swearing, making threats against an individual or the organisation, language that breaches equality and diversity or which undermines the dignity of staff or contractors.
  • Unreasonable demands, including access to particular individuals.
  • Unreasonable persistence, repeated and unwarranted volume of contact by phone, in person, in writing, via social media or by revisiting matters that are exhausted.

Our staff undergo customer training and we have measures in place to help us deal with unreasonable behaviour. See our:

Customers can find out more about the service standards they can expect from us – and what we expect in return. See:

We welcome feedback and we want to hear from you if you feel we have done something well, got something wrong or provided a poor service. If we have made a mistake, we want to have the opportunity to put things right. You can give us your feedback online, by phone, email, social media, by letter or in person. See:

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