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Home > About us > Developing homes > Our development team

Our development team

We have a skilled team leading our ambitious development programme.

Colin Bloodworth

Heads up our development team as Director of Development and Partnerships.

Claire Evans

Leads our shared ownership sales team.

Marissa Yeoman

Manages land-led development and regeneration of our existing properties.

Marita Ford

Manages our Section 106 sites and new business.

Sigrid Houston

Manages our development projects and assists with new business.

Do you have a development proposal?

We work with housebuilders and developers in West Oxfordshire, Cotswold District, Cheltenham, Tewkesbury, Gloucester, Swindon and North Wiltshire. We want to expand our Section 106, joint ventures and land-led opportunities in these areas. 

If you have land in our area or a development proposal, we would like to hear from you.

Contact our development team

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