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Home > News > Together with Tenants Charter: read our latest self-assessment

05 January 2023

Together with Tenants Charter: read our latest self-assessment

We’re committed to strengthening the relationship we have with our customers, that’s why we’ve signed up to the National Housing Federation’s Together with Tenants charter. 

The National Housing Federation is the voice of housing associations in England.

Their Together with Tenants Charter aims to strengthen the relationship between customers and landlords by providing a framework to help us get our services right and make sure we’re held accountable.

By signing up we have committed to:

  • A new and specific requirement in our Code of Governance for our Board to be accountable to our customers.
  • A new Charter that sets out what our customers can expect from us as their landlord.
  • Customer oversight of progress against the Charter.
  • Giving our customers a stronger collective voice with the Regulator for Social Housing.

Our self-assessment

Working with our customer Scrutiny Group, we regularly carry out a self-assessment to see how well we perform against the Charter and where we need to improve. Our latest self-assessment can be read below:

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