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Home > News > Our latest Annual Report and financial statements

26 September 2024

Our latest Annual Report and financial statements

Every year we publish an Annual Report summarising our activities during the previous year, along with our full audited financial statements and a value for money summary.

Our 2023-24 publications are now ready, and we are pleased to report that we remain in a strong, robust financial position. We have retained top ratings from the Regulator of Social Housing (G1 Governance and V1 Viability) and collected £37.7m (over 100%) of rental income this year.

This money enabled us to invest in maintaining and repairing our existing homes, build more new affordable homes for people in housing need, and support our communities and customers, enabling us to add over £1.4m of social value to our communities.

At the end of 2023-24, we owned and managed 5,710 homes. During the year, we completed 182 new affordable homes - 24% more than our target – and we also took on 176 additional homes as part of a transfer from Cirencester Housing. We provided 23 homes for refugees by working in partnership with West Oxfordshire District Council.

2023-24 is the first year that the Regulator of Social Housing has collated nationwide Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) for social housing landlord and 87% of our customers were happy with the overall service we provided.

We are proud that 19 out of the 22 ratings set by the Regulator were in the upper quartile for the year when compared to other housing associations – and exceeded nearly all our own targets.

We want to continue to build upon the success of last year in all aspects of our performance and will continue to work with, and listen to, our customers to help us to ensure this happens.


This summarises Cottsway’s activities and spend for the financial year from April 2023 to March 2024.

It includes:

What we’ve achieved and some of the work we've done

  • Customer satisfaction rates, including Tenant Satisfaction Measure results, and customer feedback information
  • Our work in the community
  • Where the money's been spent - repairs, maintenance and new homes
  • How we're reducing our impact on the environment
  • An update from our customer Scrutiny Group

The report also summarises our plans for 2024-25 and further ahead.

Give your feedback

We’d really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete our short survey and lets us know which part(s) of our Annual Report you found most interesting and how we could improve. Your feedback will help guide us as to information you’re most interested in, and what to include in the future. 

We want to achieve better value for money in everything we do by providing efficient services for people living in our existing homes and releasing financial capacity to build more affordable housing for new customers.

Our value for money summary is part of our full financial statements and charts our performance, with KPI and benchmarking information.

You can read both reports in full, along with our 2023-24 full financial statements, on our publications webpage

Our year at glance


homes meet the Decent Homes Standard


responsive and emergency repairs carried out


emergency repairs done within 24 hours


safety checks completed (gas, fire, asbestos, water, lifts)


spent on maintaining and repairing existing homes


spent on aids and adaptations


invested in providing new homes


homes have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of A-C

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