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Home > News > Final keys handed over to affordable homes in North Leigh

06 February 2023

Final keys handed over to affordable homes in North Leigh

We have been given the keys to our final homes to be built at Marlborough Gardens, a new development on the outskirts of North Leigh.

We recently took handover of the final 7 of 20 properties for affordable rent and shared ownership from developer, Bewley Homes.

Colin Bloodworth, our Director of Development and Partnerships, said: “At Cottsway we are committed to growing our affordable housing stock – both for rent and shared ownership. We have an ambitious development programme to support local people in housing need and are delighted to have worked with Bewley Homes on this scheme.

“We’re pleased to have already welcomed customers to this new development and look forward to handing over the keys to the final seven homes.”

Located on the outskirts of the village, with easy access to Witney and Woodstock and the A40, Marlborough Gardens provides a mix of 2 and 3-bed homes, with a total of 20 affordable properties on the site – 13 for affordable rent and 7 for shared ownership.

For more information about applying for a Cottsway home, see: Find a property

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