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An event has been held to celebrate an innovative project that has delivered 15 new affordable low-carbon homes in Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.
18 July 2024
An event has been held to celebrate an innovative project that has delivered 15 new affordable low-carbon homes in Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire.
Representatives from Cottsway, Cotswold District Council, Helix Partnership Homes, Homes England and other partner agencies joined together yesterday (17 July) to celebrate completion of the development, which connects Mosedale and Davies Road.
Two vacant homes were demolished to make way for the new development, which includes a mix of one, two and three-bedroom houses and maisonettes - all with sustainable features including air-source heating, solar roof panels, electric vehicle charging points and enhanced insulation. The properties have all achieved an Energy Performance Certificate ‘A’ rating.
The redevelopment was made possible with the support of £1.275 million grant funding from Homes England and £580,500 developer funding secured in Section 106 contributions from Cotswold District Council, as well as a loan arrangement as part of a finance agreement between the Council and ourselves. Helix Group also provided construction finance to ensure the homes were completed quickly.
Richard Reynolds, our Chief Executive, said: “This is our first development with 100% low-carbon homes. This not only supports our commitment as a responsible organisation to reducing our environmental impact in line with the national Net-Zero strategy, but also provides energy efficient homes for customers, which should mean lower energy bills for them.
“It has been great to work with Cotswold District Council and Helix Partnership Homes to successfully deliver these new homes and we are very proud that they are all being provided for social rent, making them as affordable as they can possibly be for the people moving into them.
“Cottsway is working hard to provide more much-needed affordable homes and we would like to thank everyone involved who supported us, including Homes England for the £1.275m grant which made this achievable. It is a great example of what innovative partnership working can achieve.”
Homes England Chief Executive, Peter Denton, said: “We are pleased to have been able to support Cottsway, Helix and Cotswold District Council to unlock 15 much needed affordable, sustainable homes to Moreton-in-Marsh. The proposed homes demonstrate how the agency works in partnership with stakeholders to deliver high quality homes in areas where they are needed most, supporting local places and creating vibrant communities.”
Cllr Joe Harris, Leader of Cotswold District Council, said: “We have a housing affordability crisis in the Cotswolds, many people who’ve grown up here are priced out of the area and it’s the council’s mission to increase the supply of genuinely affordable homes across the district.
“I’m delighted that we have been able to help make this scheme happen in partnership with Homes England and Cottsway. The Davies Road site will be the first ‘green home’ scheme of its kind in the Cotswolds and is a big investment into Moreton-in-Marsh.
“Working alongside providers such as Cottsway we can offer local people affordable homes, that are built to a standard that will save the residents living in them hundreds of pounds a year on their energy bills and are better for the environment helping to tackle the climate emergency.”
Jon Schofield, Construction Director of Helix Partnership Homes, said: “We’re delighted to have handed over this development to Cottsway. This is a fantastic example of how our partnership philosophy has unlocked a site with complex technical challenges to provide much needed, good quality and affordable homes for the local community.
“We would like to thank Cottsway, Homes England and Cotswold District Council for their support to make this scheme possible.”
Cottsway is West Oxfordshire’s largest affordable housing provider and we have a growing number of properties in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. For more information about applying for one of our homes see: Find a property
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