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Home > News > Dispose of your single use vapes safely

24 November 2023

Dispose of your single use vapes safely

Single use vapes are electrical items. They contain a lithium battery which could cause a fire if it gets damaged.

According to research released by our insurer, Zurich Municipal, over 100 million single use vapes are being dumped in general waste each year in the UK. As a result, house fires sparked by vapes have more than doubled in the past two years from 59 in 2020 to 123 in 2022.

Single use vapes must be recycled to ensure they are disposed of safely.

To protect yourself and your home you should:

  • Recycle any single use vapes
    Please check your local council's website for recycling services in your area – they may have a small electrical item collections service or offer specific recycling banks for these items. You can find your local council’s details via GOV.UK

  • Ensure you have contents insurance
    Contents insurance is designed to help protect your possessions should the worst happen, and a fire break out in your home. No matter how careful you are, there is always a risk that your belongings could be damaged so contents insurance can help provide peace of mind.

Are you insured?

While we are responsible for buildings insurance for our rented properties, we do not provide contents insurance, but recommend you take this out.

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