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Customer newsletters

As well as contacting customers directly when there is information about their home or tenancy, we also send news updates throughout each year.

Our ezines are known as:

  • Homepage: sent biannually from our Chief Executive highlighting timely news and information about customer’s homes, safety advice, what we’ve been up to and how we’re performing. This is sent to all customers whose email addresses we have on our system every summer and winter. 

  • Cottsway Connect: an optional quarterly e-zine which customers can opt-in to receive featuring a brief roundup of news and activities from our communities team. This also contains links to the support, upcoming events, surveys and opportunities we are supporting.

To provide us with your email, update any of your contact details, or to sign up to receive Cottsway Connect, please complete our online form:

Read our latest ezines

Home visits and important changes

Please be assured that if we need to attend your home or update you on any important changes, including those to your rent and/or service charges, we will contact you direct either by letter, email, text or phone.

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