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Home > News > Cirencester Housing to transfer stock to Cottsway

25 October 2023

Cirencester Housing to transfer stock to Cottsway

Cirencester Housing has decided to transfer its stock to Cottsway following agreement at a meeting of its Shareholders (on Thursday 19 October 2023).

The transfer will see all 176 of Cirencester Housing’s properties transfer to our ownership and maintenance on 1 December 2023. Cirencester Housing will continue to be responsible for customers’ homes and services until that time.

A 6-week consultation during July and August 2023 and Cirencester Housing considered all customer feedback in helping to reach its decision.

Cirencester Housing Board Chair Nicola Miller said: “The Board, Shareholders and staff members over the past 73 years have all been passionate about serving our customers, and we are proud of the role Cirencester Housing has played in their lives and the local communities we serve. However, we feel the time is right to make this move to ensure that we can secure the best future for our customers. 

"It has been a pleasure to have served our customers and we are confident that Cottsway is the right organisation for our customers.”

Maureen Margrie, Cirencester Housing’s Executive Director Corporate, added: “Cottsway is a larger housing association, better equipped to take on the regulatory challenges ahead, while being able to continue to provide the best for our customers, both the standard of the homes they live in and services they receive.

"Cottsway will also be able to bring more, much-needed new affordable homes to the area with their dedicated future development programme.”

Cottsway has over 5,300 homes, housing over 12,000 people. We are West Oxfordshire's largest social housing provider, with a growing number of homes in Wiltshire and Gloucestershire.

Our Chief Executive Richard Reynolds said: “We’re delighted that Cirencester Housing have chosen us for this transfer. We are very familiar with Cirencester as we already have 53 homes in the town, with more in the surrounding area. We are also already working to deliver more affordable homes there too, so this is an exciting opportunity for us. 

“We see Cottsway as a partnership between customers, employees and key stakeholders, and I would like to assure Cirencester Housing’s customers that there will be no negative impact on the services they receive. In fact, we will offer improved additional or enhanced services wherever possible, including access to advice and support, grant funding and responsive customer services, and an opportunity for them to get involved and give feedback on the way we work.

“We are very much looking forward to welcoming their customers on board officially on 1 December and will be working with Cirencester Housing to ensure a smooth transition.”

Cirencester Housing has written to all its customers to let them know about the decision and inform them of the next steps. Estate visits will be carried out by Cottsway before the transfer date and customers will also be sent more detailed information about the switch over.

Transfer information for current Cirencester Housing customers

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