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We understand that people are different and have different needs. We make sure that we treat you as an individual and do everything we can to meet your needs.
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We understand that people are different and have different needs. We make sure that we treat you as an individual and do everything we can to meet your needs.
You can expect fair and reasonable treatment from all of our staff and representatives, whatever your background or circumstances. We are aware that some of our customers may suffer inequality due to economic disadvantage and social isolation. We will work with our customers and partners to find ways to address these issues.
In addition, we will do everything we can to ensure that discrimination does not take place in our neighbourhoods. We provide a range of ways for you to report any incidents to us, including via our website, by phone, email, letter or face-to-face.
We will not tolerate harassment of any kind and will offer assistance and support to victims of harassment.
We will fully investigate all reported incidents of harassment and will work in partnership with relevant external agencies to support victims and, where appropriate, prosecute the perpetrator.
We hold regular meetings to review our performance and agree future actions, this includes the monitoring of equality, diversity and inclusion.
We are committed to providing the best quality services to our customers. However, we understand that sometimes this may not happen.
We hope that you will tell us when we make mistakes or if you have not received the quality of service you expected, so that we can improve.
If you would like to comment on our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion you can do this in person or in writing, by phone, email or via a third party. For help or further information please: Contact us
For more information about equality, diversity and inclusion visit:
Equality is about creating a fairer society where everyone can participate and has the same opportunity to fulfil their potential.
Equality is backed by legislation (Equality Act 2010) designed to address unfair discrimination, harassment and victimisation; advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
There are nine protected characteristics:
Diversity acknowledges and values the full range of differences between people both in the workplace and in wider society.
Diversity acknowledges that an individual’s ability to realise their potential can be influenced by a range of factors beyond the characteristics included within equality legislation. These additional factors include social, economic and educational background, professional background, hierarchical level, working style, nationality etc.
Inclusion refers to an individual’s experience within the workplace and in wider society and the extent to which they feel valued and included.
Our latest report summarises our approach and actions to ensure iur services are relevant, appropriate and accessible to the communities we serve.
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