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Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) show how social housing providers are performing on the things most important to customers and enable comparison of landlords on a like-for-like basis.

They were introduced on 1 April 2023 and are intended to:

  • Enable social housing customers to scrutinise their landlord and hold them to account;
  • Give landlords insights on where they might look to improve their services; and
  • Allow the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH) to see whether landlords are meeting required regulatory standards. 

We are scored against a total of 22 TSMs:

  • 12 are perception measures based on customer perception collected via surveys asking them what they think about our services.
  • The remaining 10 are ‘Management Information’ measures, based on the performance figures we collect across our operations and mostly relate to legal compliance, for example essential health and safety checks in homes.

All social housing providers in England are required to report back to the Regulator on these measures annually - this takes place in the summer, after the end of the financial year which runs from April to March.

Everyone's results were published in November 2024 via the RSH website.

You can find our annual results below. We also publish our tenant perception survey results every quarter as we are keen to keep you updated.

Independent market research company, Acuity, carries out customer satisfaction surveys on our behalf to collect responses for the 12 perception TSMs.

Annual survey results 2023-24

  1. Overall satisfaction: 87%
  2. Satisfaction with overall repairs service in past 12 months: 87%
  3. Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair: 84%
  4. Satisfaction that the home is well-maintained: 85%
  5. Satisfaction that the home is safe: 89%
  6. Satisfaction that the landlord listens to the tenant views and acts upon them: 79%
  7. Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them: 84%
  8. Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect: 90%
  9. Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling complaints: 52.9%
  10. Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well-maintained: 75%
  11. Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods: 78%
  12. Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour: 74%

Quarterly results updates

In the interest of transparency, we will continue to publish results from Acuity on a quarterly basis as we feel it is important for everyone to see our most up-to-date customer satisfaction results. 



We record the 10 Management Information (MI) measures set out by the Regulator as part of the TSMs and will publish these yearly, in line with the guidance.

Annual MI results 2023-24

  1. Complaints relative to the size of the landlord (per 1,000 homes):
    • Number of stage 1 complaints received per 1,000 homes = 8.1
    • Number of stage 2 complaints received per 1,000 homes = 1.7

  2. Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales:
    • Proportion of stage 1 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code timescales = 98%
    • Proportion of stage 2 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code timescales = 100%

  3. Anti-social behaviour cases relative to the size of the landlord (per 1,000 homes):
    • Number of anti-social behaviour cases opened per 1,000 homes = 46.9
    • Number of anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate incidents per 1,000 homes = 0.9 (5 cases)

  4. Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard:
    • Proportion of homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard = 0.1%

  5. Repairs completed within target timescale:
    • Proportion of the non-emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale = 64.7%
    • Proportion of emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale = 99.9%

  6. Gas safety checks:
    • Proportion of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out = 100%

  7. Fire safety checks:
    • Proportion of homes for which all required fire risk assessments have been carried out = 100%

  8. Asbestos safety checks:
    • Proportion of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections have been carried out = 100%

  9. Water safety checks:
    • Proportion of homes for which all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out = 100%

  10. Lift safety checks:
    • Proportion of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out = 100%

We carry out customer satisfaction surveys with our shared owners and leaseholders at the end of each financial year. Surveys ask people questions based on the TSM perception measures and participants were given a choice of answers to choose from.

For more details, see:

In 2023-24, 115 customers took part out of a possible 688.

We use the results of these surveys to better plan and improve our services to our shared owner and leaseholders including communications, management of communal areas and estate services, the handling of complaints and opportunities to capture feedback. 

Our next survey is taking place in February 2025, and we’ll publish the results of this once complete and update our action plan accordingly.

You can see the results of our previous survey below:


More information

These measures are part of wider changes by the Government to increase proactive consumer regulation and ensure social housing across the country is of a decent standard, with customers having their voices heard.

They apply to all registered social housing providers in England and are part of new laws introduced by the Social Housing (Regulation) Act.

This Act provides the legal basis for many of the measures set out in the Government’s Social Housing White Paper.

Independent market research specialists Acuity carry out phone surveys on our behalf every quarter of the financial year to gauge customer perception.

For our annual 2023-24 results, surveys were carried out quarterly between 12 May 2023 and 22 February 2024. A total of 1,020 tenants living in low-cost rented affordable housing took part and these were a representative sample of all our customers living in rented accommodation, taking account of tenure, property type and location. We also took account of five of the protected characteristics:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Disability
  • Ethnicity
  • Sexual orientation

We encourage customers to participate in surveys as we are keen to get as much feedback as possible and update our website and social media channels before the surveys are conducted each quarter. We offered customers the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 shopping voucher each quarter as an incentive for taking part in surveys.

Surveys asked people questions based on the TSM perception measures and participants were given a choice of answers to choose from.

For more details, see:

To find out more about how surveys are conducted, see:

Our TSM results are used to drive change - putting the customer voice at the centre of our decisions. They help us to build a picture of areas that need further improvement and, where needed, may help us to change our processes in the way we work. 

We continually monitor both perception and management information results at every level across Cottsway and act on areas of concern. We also measure customer satisfaction against five of the protected characteristics set out by the Equalities Act 2010. 

Results are reviewed every quarter, alongside other customer feedback including complaints, by our:

  • Customer Insight Group’ made up of operational managers and staff along with the Chair of our Customer Scrutiny Group.
  • Customer Committee, which includes Board Members and our Deputy Chief Executive who is our lead for all operations.

These groups look at any changes in results, explore the causes and take action to make any changes needed to services.

For more information about our TSM results and work during 2023-24, you can read our Annual Report via Publications

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